5 Crucial Tips to save your Electric car’s Battery health

5 Crucial Tips to save your Electric car’s Battery health

  • calendar_month
  • personNabin Pradhan
  • schedule4 min read


The number of people searching for electric cars is increasing day by day. With this, people buying new EVs are also very concerned about the batteries used in the vehicle, the range and time required for a full charge. 

Although electric vehicle’s prices vary depending on the size of the battery used in them, consumers are very concerned about the range their new car provides. In the case of a place like Nepal, a minimum range of 150-200 km is a must for an electric vehicle. If the range matches the number, we can drive the car in different areas without any hassle. 

Today, most of the EVs available in the market come with lithium-ion battery technology. In the case of two-wheelers, lead-acid batteries are also found to be used. 

In big electric cars with lithium-ion batteries, most companies provide a warranty of 8 years or up to 500000km. Similarly, for small cars, around 4 years warranty is provided. 

Although the company provides us with a good warranty on EVs battery, what we can do as an owner of an electric car is to maintain the car’s battery health. Well, today we will be shedding some light on that. 

5 Tips to maintain Electric Car’s Battery Health


1. Keep away from direct sunlight while charging


When the battery of an EV is charged or discharged, its temperature rises, which is then cooled by its thermal management system. If the car is parked in the hot sun and charged, its temperature will gradually rise. As a result, the thermal management system is activated. As the battery is also used for thermal management operation, it should be parked in shady areas to cease possible damage. 

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2. Don’t park the car in too cold places


Although Nepal’s climate conditions aren’t as cold and freezing as those of European countries, it is better not to park an electric car in cold places. At the time of winter (November-December), the temperature in our country also declines to zero degrees Celcius. 

As the thermal management system works in the same way in the winter season as in summer, you should not park and charge the vehicle even in a very cold environment.

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3. Minimal usage of Fast Charging 


Fast Charging system is the ultimate system to charge EVs as it can charge the vehicle up to 80% within just 40-45 minutes instead of the AC charging that takes approx. 6-8 hours. Although Fast Charging saves a lot of time for the EV owner, on the other hand, too much DC (Fast-Charging) also steadily degrades the battery life. Thus, Fast Charging of EVs isn’t considered very good instead of exceptional cases of emergency. 


4. Never Charge the battery to full or drain to zero


The charging position of the lithium-ion battery should always be in the mid-level. According to experts, the vehicle's battery should not be discharged to 0% or charged fully up to 100 percent. The battery should be recharged when it reaches 20 percent and discharged after reaching 80 percent.

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5. Never Charge your car Frequently 


Since the rechargeable battery has a charging cycle, the lithium-ion battery should not be changed frequently. The number of charging cycles directly depends on the car’s battery life. For example, after a few kilometers of acceleration, the battery charge amount is reduced by 10 or 20 percent, in this case, you shouldn’t charge the vehicle immediately. It is advisable to recharge the battery of the EV only after it reaches 20 percent. This is because, while recharging the battery at 20% and keeping it charged until 90%, only one cycle of charging is used instead of the frequent charging in the middle. 


Well, these are some of the crucial tips that can significantly improve your electric car’s battery life. Did we miss any? If so, let us know down in the comment section below. 


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